Pāriet uz galveno saturu
Fri. 17.01.2025. 19:00

TDA “Zelta sietiņa” 65 gadu jubilejas 6.koncerts “POST SCRIPTUM”

Grand Hall

"POST SCRIPTUM" - TDA "Zelta sietiņa" 65. gadu papildus koncerts, kurā piedalīsies viss deju ansamblis ar vairāk kā 100 dažādu gadu ABOSLVENTU piedalīšanos. Koncerta pirmajā daļā tiks rādītas XIII skolu jaunatnes dziesmu un deju svētku visu 3 deju programmu jaunākās dejas, savukārt otrajā daļā dažādu vecumu un sastāvu ABSOLVENTI izdejos savu ZELTA FONDU! 

The Host of the Event hereby informs that photographic images and/or video recordings will be taken in the course of the Event in order to ensure coverage of the Event in mass media and information materials. The obtained materials can be used for publicity and public information purposes. The Host of the Event assumes no liability for any photographic images and/or video recordings taken by third parties and for the usage of the materials thus obtained. Detailed information regarding the processing of your personal data is available here.
